06-21-2011, 07:48 PM
hello ,
i have the same problem with this guy in this post
but i have greek characters
could you please help me?
this is a sample of my custom.xml file
<text_header_h1 x_pos="30" y_pos="35" size="19" letter_spacing="0" text_color="FFFFFF"> αρχική </text_header_h1>
<text_header_h2 x_pos="30" y_pos="60" size="10" letter_spacing="2.3" text_color="FFFFFF">YOUR OWN SLOGANS AND IMAGES</text_header_h2>
<image blur="no">images/flashimages/header1.jpg</image>
<text_header_h1 x_pos="600" y_pos="265" size="19" letter_spacing="0" text_color="000000">YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS</text_header_h1>
<text_header_h2 x_pos="600" y_pos="290" size="10" letter_spacing="2.3" text_color="000000">YOUR OWN SLOGANS AND IMAGES</text_header_h2>
<image blur="no">images/flashimages/header2.jpg</image>
i have the same problem with this guy in this post
but i have greek characters
could you please help me?
this is a sample of my custom.xml file
<text_header_h1 x_pos="30" y_pos="35" size="19" letter_spacing="0" text_color="FFFFFF"> αρχική </text_header_h1>
<text_header_h2 x_pos="30" y_pos="60" size="10" letter_spacing="2.3" text_color="FFFFFF">YOUR OWN SLOGANS AND IMAGES</text_header_h2>
<image blur="no">images/flashimages/header1.jpg</image>
<text_header_h1 x_pos="600" y_pos="265" size="19" letter_spacing="0" text_color="000000">YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS</text_header_h1>
<text_header_h2 x_pos="600" y_pos="290" size="10" letter_spacing="2.3" text_color="000000">YOUR OWN SLOGANS AND IMAGES</text_header_h2>
<image blur="no">images/flashimages/header2.jpg</image>