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View Full Version : [SOLVED] Template 9 help please

07-08-2009, 07:49 PM
After three days of trying to figure this out I have not gotten very far. If you look at my webpage as it is right now it does show the index page, but when you click on the portfolio page, it is not showing up my photos. I renamed the photos to add my own and it won't see them.

Also I want to add another album, but every manual that I am looking at doesn't show how to do this.

I understand that this is a free template and I was so excited to find it, so if someone, anyone could help me, I would be so thankful. I just want somewhere I can show my photos that I take.

Thank you so much for your time


07-09-2009, 08:48 AM
You've got trouble with the template album because some photos are missing. For example
are not found.
When you will have solved this issue with this flash photo gallery, please open a new thread for multi albums and i will explain how to add multi-albums in flash template 9.

07-09-2009, 02:15 PM
I finally got it to work. It wasn't easy, but a not so smart thing I did without realizing I did it. Thanks a lot. you are a lifesaver!!
