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View Full Version : [SOLVED] Pay for changes to a free template?

11-12-2009, 02:46 PM
I was wondering if I could pay to use one of your free templates (this ( one particular) without your copyright at the bottom and also some small changes.

I have already made most of the site I am looking to do with the template, but the copyright at the bottom is in the way, and I want the text on each page to be easily changed using a administration site (I have used wordpress to achieve this currently, although you may have a better suggestion).

Also I have a few other changes, like one of the buttons I would like it to bring a new page straight up rather than it loading it into the right frame.

Let me know if this is something you would be likely to do, and we can then discuss price etc.

11-13-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi StillBlue,
For this special kind of questions please use this contact form :