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View Full Version : [SOLVED] Picture Gallery Problem

01-17-2011, 03:53 PM
Ok here I am again. For whatever reason I cannot get the flash photo gallery for my site to display more than 4 pictures. Anymore than 4 pictures and the animation loads about half of it before having an error and stopping. I have tried it with just 5 pictures and the same thing happens. Any ideas for this one. I have photo shopped all the pics so that they conform to the size of the gallery but that didn't help.


01-19-2011, 01:17 PM
Usually, it's a problem in the xml file, an image that is not found on the server, or a mistake in the name of an image.

01-21-2011, 02:04 AM
yep that did it. Apparently the file names are also case sensitive. My header files were named header5.JPG for example and when I was calling them from the xml file I was entering the absolute path like /image/flashheader/header.jpg. Notice the ending jpg was lowercase, believe it or not that was the problem. Once I changed them all to .JPG it fired right up and worked like a champ! Thanks for bringing that to my attention guys, and thanks for such an awesome free template!
