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kamalmisc 04-07-2009 01:27 AM

This is what I did.

From the index file in the banner202 I copied this code
<script type="text/javascript">
var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
var requiredMinorVersion = 9;
var requiredRevision = 0;
var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
if(hasRightVersion) {
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,0,0','width','850','height ','250','src','flash/header','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','flash/header','flashvars','custom_xml_url=custom.xml', 'bgcolor','#FFFFFF','scale','noScale'); //end AC code
} else {
alert("Your version of Flash player is rather old. We suggest you to upgrade your Flash player to version "+requiredMinorVersion+" (at least).The latest version can be downloaded here :");

and pasted it into the body of my index page right below <div id="header"> .
I put in the jscript folder of my template the js file that is in the banner jscript folder.
Did the same with the flash file.
I modified the custom file in the banner and the template as indicated in the "how to customize" instructions.


<text_header_1 x_pos="480" y_pos="88.5" size="20" letter_spacing="0">Steppingstone Montessori</text_header_1>
<text_header_2 x_pos="450" y_pos="150" size="10" letter_spacing="1.2">one step at a time towards your best</text_header_2>
<text_header_1 x_pos="480" y_pos="88.5" size="20" letter_spacing="0">Steppingstone Montessori</text_header_1>
<text_header_2 x_pos="450" y_pos="150" size="10" letter_spacing="1.2">one step at a time towards your best</text_header_2>
<text_header_1 x_pos="480" y_pos="88.5" size="20" letter_spacing="0">Steppingstone Montessori</text_header_1>
<text_header_2 x_pos="450" y_pos="150" size="10" letter_spacing="1.2">one step at a time towards your best</text_header_2>
<text_header_1 x_pos="480" y_pos="88.5" size="20" letter_spacing="0">Steppingstone Montessori</text_header_1>
<text_header_2 x_pos="450" y_pos="150" size="10" letter_spacing="1.2">one step at a time towards your best</text_header_2>
<text_header_1 x_pos="480" y_pos="88.5" size="20" letter_spacing="0">Steppingstone Montessori</text_header_1>
<text_header_2 x_pos="450" y_pos="150" size="10" letter_spacing="1.2">one step at a time towards your best</text_header_2>

<music_file loop="no" music_control="no" play_music="no">sounds/music.mp3</music_file>
<display_preload graphic_color="FFFFFF">no</display_preload>
<replay display="no" x_pos="520" y_pos="380" size="10" letter_spacing="1" bgd_color="000000" text_color="FFFFFF"> Replay</replay>

After doing all these modifications the index file in the banner has the images at the right size but no text is displyed. It works on my computer not when I upload it on the net http://www.steppingstonemontessori.o...nner/index.htm

I don't know why the header doesn't work on the web when it does on my computer. I also can't find a way for the text to display.

The header banner doesn't work when I put it in the template: either on my computer or the web.


freenicetemplates 04-07-2009 02:43 PM

free flash banner problem
Hi Kamal,
I suggest you to first make the flash banner work online.
In your example, the flash animation doesn't work when it's online because file
is not found.


kamalmisc 04-07-2009 05:36 PM

Thank you for pointing this out. Theimages int he banner do rotate now but the text is still missing.
banner works now.

the banner in the template works as well but the text is missing .


freenicetemplates 04-08-2009 01:08 PM

I think problem is coming from y_pos or x_pos in the custom.xml file. Try to change (reduce) x_pos and y_pos.

kamalmisc 04-08-2009 10:17 PM

I tried planning around with the x_pos but nothing works.
I can't figure out the problem. Whether the postion is 480 or 5 it doesn't matter,the text doesn't appear.

kamalmisc 04-09-2009 12:56 AM


thank you so much for all your help. I think the problem was due to a copy and paste misplacement. I couldn't find the actual problem. I just got the banner file again and redid the steps to get the pictures rotating. The pictures and the text appear on the website now. Thank you so much for helping me out. You rock!!!


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