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sarah 05-26-2009 10:37 AM

Uploading banner
Hi Guys, I am really new to all this can someone tell me how I upload one of the free banners to my website please. I have made the changes and all looks good but I can not see the instructions on how to incorporate the banner within my site.

freenicetemplates 05-26-2009 08:45 PM

free flash banner on your website
In our forum rules you can read:
- Specify the URL where we can see your issue online. guidelines.
So please Sarah send the url of your website and will try to help you.

sarah 05-26-2009 10:11 PM

Not sure how to respond to this - I have downloaded the flash banner, edited this and checked all ok, now I do not knwo what to do to get this xml doc file uploaded into my website. I am missing the obvious but would appreciate someone's help. Many thanks sarah x

freenicetemplates 05-27-2009 09:18 AM

Hi Sarah,
Have you got a domain name ? Or are you searching for web hosting company to host your website ?

sarah 05-27-2009 11:59 AM

I have a website - created my website - would now like to update it with a banner replacing the peel - I assumed I just needed to copy and paste the code into the area I want the banner to appear - naturally after importing the images but this doesn;t work Can you give me exact instructions on how to get the banner from the edit stage to actually uploading this into a website. Sorry to be sooooo thick, I know I am missing the obvious here. thanks

freenicetemplates 05-28-2009 08:37 AM

free flash header
You have to do exactly what you say.
But don't forget to upload alose :
- The custom.xml file
- the js folder (width the AC_RunActiveContent.js file)
- the flash folder (with the header.swf file)

If it still doesn't work, just create a test page with the banner on you website (and send us the URL of this test page) and we will tell you what's going wrong.

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