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Old 06-05-2009, 11:58 PM
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Default Template 9 - special characters question


I have another question, related to Tempelate no.9 - I am using our special regional characters such as ľ, š, č, ť, ž and so and different .htm files display them different! I am modifying everything with PSPad. Check my development version:

For example when I modified file _news.htm, everything is OK - it means every character displays correctly. But when you take a look on the homepage (index.htm) and news on the left side, it incorrectly displays the character "č", but other characters such as "á", "š", "é" are correct. And now, when I modified the file _portfolio ("photos" in my case), every special character is displayed wrong!

I used the test characters sentence "Test ľ š č ť ž ý á í é ň" and applied it to the "news" and "aviation" files on the same time. In the "news" file everything is OK and in the same time and with the same style added sentence to "aviation" page, it displays totaly wrong. How is it possible?