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Old 06-06-2009, 01:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Okey, I did some tests and here are the results. Probably they will be usefull in case to find the solution.

Because in the _news.htm file (news) everything displays correctly, i decided to to make a copy of its soucre code from top to bottom, it means every character, and paste it to the _letectvo.htm file (aviation). You can see the results. News in the Firefox is displayed correctly while Aviation is completely wrong. With IE7, the only difference is, that in the Aviation, the special characters are displayed as the "?"

Another interesting thing is that I checked also another web, that is using the Tempelate no.9 and I attach the results as the image. As you can see, in the Firefox the top banner, menu and news are wrong while content is displayed correctly with all its characters. When using IE7, everything look as it should look without any problem.

FIREFOX 3.0.10 (freshly installed)