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A message appears. If you visit my url: www.kuddukat.se and then choose GALERIJA and then videos you will see the message? ![]() ![]() /Baxters |
Hi baxter
Please try to be more specific in your title and indicate the flash template number concerned. I think you have this message because your remove jquery. Try to add this line in the header : <script src="js/jquery121.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Please tell me if this solve your problem. |
Hello Charles!
Yes it works fine when l add the codeline you gave me but then the things under the embeded videogallery appears, l just want to have the videogallery there without the message? I have the first tamplate, the black one, nr 9 l think it is. Portfolio. I can't also link from the videogallery as you can se if you try to choose one of the POCETNA,NOVOSTI and so on. /Baxters |
I think the best way to fix this issue is to make a link like that:
http://www.kuddukat.se/index.htm?page=_videos.htm instead of http://www.kuddukat.se/_videos.htm from your page GALERIJA. Then you will handle _videos.htm like other pages. |
Hii Charles!
l've tried it, looks like this. From the GALERIJA l link like this: <a href="index.htm?page=_videos.htm"> <img src="images/videospic.jpg" border="0" alt="Videos" width="320" height="240" /></a></p> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> </p> <script type="text/javascript"> initLightbox(); </script> But it doesn't work? Thank you for your time =). /Baxters |
hi !
The link is OK. But in _videos.htm just put the necessary code like you do for other pages. I mean just put : <!--your VideoGal code starts here--> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" ......... <!--your VideoGal code ends here--> |
Hii Charles!
I want to add a picture (Languageflag) into the index.htm and then from the picture link to a "index2.htm" that will be in an another language, l want everything to be in an another language in index2.htm. So that it works like the index.htm and its menus but in an another language. Is this possible? /Baxters |
Hi Baxters,
Please create a new topic for this question. I would create two directories : mywebsite.com/english mywebsite.com/myotherlanguage |
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