Customized Template9 (Banner)
Hello I am currently using the template9 from here and it looks and runs great thus far. However I am stuck on a process trying to get our logo to fit within the space allowed in this template. (see attachment)
I need to get that css to shrink up so I can fit a logo on the same level as the text. I do not know how to edit this in dreamweaver or in the code. ANY assistance in this matter would be apprecaited. Great template..
on a side note, does anyone have an issue with the sidebar flash that keeps highlighting the previously viewed pages? (attachment 2) Is there a way I can change the color to black so that the visited pages only remain orange? Not sure if this is by design. Further Notes: this only occurs if I use the links to other pages within say _about,_news)
Expertise and feedback appreciated thanks all!